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If you have followed the Install Guide from NetApp (Storage_Replication_Adapter_30_for_Clustered_Data.pdf) and install appears successful but SRA will not Login/Register I may be able to help.

If you installed SRM on a drive other than C:\ you will encounter issue above.  We have a standard to install apps on separate drive from OS as this is consider general good admin practice.  Apparently the NetAPP SRA has hard coded the PATH where SRM is installed.  To fix the issue uninstall your SRA's and add a symlink to the location of SRM installation.

In my case the following command from an elevated prompt fix the issue:

CD "Program Files"
CD VMware
mklink /j "VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager" "F:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager"

Reinstall SRA application and restart the SRM Service.  Login to vSphere and Rescan for SRA.  Your SRA adapter should show up healthy.