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If you are running RDS 2008 R2 you may find you receive a non descriptive error when you try to publish InfoPath 2010 in Design mode. This app uses a command line switch to start in "Design" mode.  When you publish the app via RemoteApp you will notice that the app will show that it has Arguments enabled.

This is the error message users will receive when they try to start the app:

A quick an easy fix is to use a VBScript to start Microsoft InfoPath.  The script below will do the trick:

Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
   objShell.Run("""c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\INFOPATH.EXE"" /DESIGN"),1,False
Set objShell = Nothing

Save the above using notepad as start-inforpath-design.vbs.

Publish a new app and this time browse to the location where you saved the script and select it as the app.  Once published edit the security as usual and change the icon by browsing to the location of Info Path .exe.  You will also want to change the display name to Microsoft InfoPath 2010.