Hits: 8190

We are introducing Windows Server 2012 R2 into our Production environment at work.  I decided I would use PowerShell Remoting to install the ADS services and promote the server to Domain Controller.

First step is to remote to the 2012 R2 server.  You can do this from any PC that has PowerShell installed.  I'm doing it from my Windows 7 PC.

PS C:\>Enter-PSSession -ComputerName RemoteServer -Credential yourdomain\yourusername

If all goes well your prompt should change to the following:

[RemoteServername]: PS C:\>

This means you are now connected to the remote server and any command you run will execute on the remote server.  This includes DOS commands.  Now we need to run the following command to install the ADS Role:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools

You will see the following message showing install progress:

 When complete you should get a confirmation:

Success   Restart Needed    Exit Code      Feature Result
-------      --------------            ---------          --------------
True      No                      Success        {Active Directory Domain Services, Remote ...

You can also run the following command to verify install:

[RemoteServername]: PS C:\>Get-Command -Module ADDSDeployment
CommandType     Name                                                                 ModuleName
-----------               ----                                                                     ----------
Cmdlet          Add-ADDSReadOnlyDomainControllerAccount                 ADDSDeployment
Cmdlet          Install-ADDSDomain                                                    ADDSDeployment
Cmdlet          Install-ADDSDomainController                                       ADDSDeployment
Cmdlet          Install-ADDSForest                                                     ADDSDeployment
Cmdlet          Test-ADDSDomainControllerInstallation                          ADDSDeployment
Cmdlet          Test-ADDSDomainControllerUninstallation                      ADDSDeployment
Cmdlet          Test-ADDSDomainInstallation                                      ADDSDeployment
Cmdlet          Test-ADDSForestInstallation                                       ADDSDeployment
Cmdlet          Test-ADDSReadOnlyDomainControllerAccountCreation   ADDSDeployment
Cmdlet          Uninstall-ADDSDomainController                                  ADDSDeployment

Now to join the current server to the domain as a Domain Controller use the following command:

[RemoteServername]: PS C:\> Install-ADDSDomainController -Credential (Get-Credential) -DomainName -DatabasePath D:\Windows\NTDS -LogPath D:\Windows\NTDS -SysvolPath D:\Windows\SYSVOL -SiteName NameOfSite

There are several other options that can be used but these three are important.  At first I did not pass the -Credential argument thinking it would use the credentials I used to PSRemote to the server but when I ran the Install-ADDSDomainController command I received an error "Install-ADDSDomainController : Verification of user credential permissions failed. Failed to examine the Active Directory forest. The error was: ldap_search()".  When I used the -Credential (Get-Credential) the command succeeded with no problems.  Also, If you don't use -DatabasePath the database will install to:


For a full list of options go here:

You will be prompted for the Safe Mode Administration Password.  You will then see a message stating server will be configured as a Domain Controller and restarted.  Just hit enter as the default answer is Y.

You will see the progress as it installs and you may also see some warnings about "Delegation for this DNS server cannot be created because the authoritative parent zone cannot be found..."  You may ignore this warning if you are not worried about external DNS queries.

If install is successful you will see the following:

Message                                            Context                                                                          RebootRequired                   Status
-------                                                 -------                                                                              --------------                           ------
Operation completed successfully          DCPromo.General.3                                                           False                                  Success

That is it.  You have a new DC on your domain!

To demote a Domain Controller you can use the following command:

Uninstall-ADDSDomainController -Credential (Get-Credential)