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Helpful commands for docker newbies like myself.

# List all docker images you have.

PS C:\> docker images

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
nginx               latest              46102226f2fd        12 days ago         109 MB
centos-rl           latest              647c13af08c7        2 weeks ago         302 MB
ubuntu              latest              6a2f32de169d        3 weeks ago         117 MB
centos              latest              a8493f5f50ff        4 weeks ago         192 MB
d4w/nsenter         latest              9e4f13a0901e        7 months ago        83.8 kB

# Pull a new docker image:

PS C:\> docker pull <image_name>

# List docker containers both active and not actively running

PS C:\> docker ps -a

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                     PORTS                         NAMES
c8ef567a8bdc        centos-rl           "/bin/bash"              3 hours ago         Exited (0) 4 minutes ago                                       centos-rl-tools
7f9f3afa7a3f        nginx               "nginx -g 'daemon ..."   4 hours ago         Up 4 hours            >80/tcp

# Rename docker container

PS C:\> docker container rename Old-Name New-Name

# Remove a container

PS C:\> docker rm conainter_Name


PS C:\> docker rm conainter_ID

# Delete image

PS C:\> docker rmi Image_ID

# Run docker container on Windows 10 with host volume

PS C:\> docker run -it -v D:/docker/centos-rl:/data centos-rl

# The "run" command should only be used the very first time you run the image.  This creates a new container.

PS C:\> docker start -i centos-rl-tools

# Use "start" for subsequent uses.  This starts the container that was previously created.  The image remains unmodified.  Your volume will still be mapped, along with any other parameters you used with "run" command.

# Run docker container in detached mode:

PS C:\>docker run --name centos-rl -p 8080:80 -e TERM=xterm -d nginx

# To access the container:

PS C:\>docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> bash

# Export docker container to tar file.

PS C:\> docker ps -a  #to list image name.

PS C:\> docker save -o D:/Temp/centos-rl.tar centos-rl

 # Import/Load docker image

PS C:\> docker load -i D:/Temp/centos-rl.tar